Life and business coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and visionaries

Unhappy with the status quo? I coach visionaries and entrepreneurs with a desire to change the world, reclaim that magic of being you, create work that matters, and build communities that make a difference. 

Life & business coaching for spiritual entrepreneurs & visionaries

Spiritual life & business coach Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC sitting on a wooden floor and holding a frame drum.

Unhappy with the status quo? I coach visionaries and entrepreneurs with a desire to change the world, reclaim that magic of being you, create work that matters, and build communities that make a difference. 


There’s magic in simply being who you are, and with that magic you can create work that matters and build communities that make a difference.

Business Coaching

Are you a spiritual entrepreneur who struggles to get clients, feels overwhelmed in your business, works too much, and occasionally feels like an imposter? Let me help you:

  • Easily and confidently attract your soulmate clients.
  • Stop feeling like an imposter and gain new confidence in your abilities as a spiritual entrepreneur.
  • Balance work and life while still building a prosperous business.
  • Tame the overwhelm.
  • Make running your business fun again.

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Life Coaching

Are you someone who feels a spiritual calling to impact the world positively, but the realities of living a physical existence have bogged you down? Let me help you:

  • Find or create work that matters and fulfills your soul’s mission.
  • Create a community around you that supports you and your vision for change.
  • Feel confident that one person, even you, can make a difference.
  • Stop doubting your spiritual calling and be empowered to answer it.
  • Reclaim the magic of just being you instead of trying to fit in or be someone else.

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Human Design 

Do you sometimes yearn to discover the real you truly? Would it feel empowering to have aspects of who you are validated? Human Design is a system that blends Astrology, Kabbalah, the I-Ching, and the Chakra system to reveal the energetic blueprint of your physical form. Human Design can help you move through life more easily and authentically. I offer:

  • Human Design chart readings
  • Human Design workshops
  • Human Design consultant training

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Tarot Readings

Starting something new or stuck in a rut and not sure how to move forward. An intuitive Tarot reading can help you see new possibilities and fresh perspectives on your situation. I offer a variety of Tarot readings in both recorded and live formats.

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Hi, I’m Julian!


Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC, spiritual life coach, spiritual business coach & human design specialist

I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life and business coach, human design specialist, tarot reader, and teacher. While I’ve always felt a spiritual calling to help and teach others, for the longest time, I couldn’t see how to balance answering that calling with the realities of living a physical existence. Now, I help spiritual entrepreneurs and other visionaries who feel a spiritual calling to change the world for the better step into their power and maximize their impact.

Book a free intro call and see how together we can move you towards answering your spiritual calling.

Spiritual life & business coach, Julian Crosson-Hill, sitting and leaning forward.

Hi, I’m Julian!

I’m an ICF-certified spiritual life and business coach, human design specialist, tarot reader, and teacher. While I’ve always felt a spiritual calling to help and teach others, for the longest time, I couldn’t see how to balance answering that calling with the realities of living a physical existence. Now, I help spiritual entrepreneurs and other visionaries who feel a spiritual calling to change the world for the better step into their power and maximize their impact.

Book a free intro call and see how together we can move you towards answering your spiritual calling.