Human design business readings for spiritual entrepreneurs

A custom business strategy session using the human design system for the spiritual entrepreneur needing to make money in their business more easily and without resorting to business practices that make them feel icky or inauthentic. 

Julian Crosson-Hill, ACC, spiritual life coach, spiritual business coach & human design specialist

What if everything you knew about running your business was a lie?

Listen, as a spiritual entrepreneur, you probably already have your own definition of success. But I bet many people have shown up to tell you what you must do to succeed. You might have noticed that some of the things they tell you to do don’t feel very aligned with your life purpose. Some traditional marketing techniques can be downright manipulative.

Or maybe you’ve compared yourself to other entrepreneurs on social media. You might wonder why you don’t appear as confident on video or are not making as much money as they are. Or worse, you’re wondering if you should try to do things the way they do them.

You may have bought into the belief that business and spirituality don’t mix. You might hesitate to share your spiritual business on LinkedIn or show up as your true self professionally. 

But the truth is, none of this is true.

What if you could throw that all out and do things your way?

Understanding the natural gifts in your energetic blueprint (human design) is your permission slip to throw out the rulebook and develop your approach to spiritual entrepreneurship. At the end of the session, you’ll have full permission to say “no” to anything that doesn’t feel fully aligned with your true self. 

Additionally, exploring your human design at a deeper level creates greater awareness of the beliefs and ideas that keep you afraid of showing up as your authentic self. You’ll understand how conditioning keeps you playing small to realize the highest potential of your natural talents in business and your personal life. 

A human design business reading takes your understanding of your unique human design to a deeper level.

This is the next step on your human design journey if:


  • You’re a spiritual entrepreneur who desires to unlock your natural talents to build a successful business more easily.
  • You already have a foundational understanding of human design, including your energy type, strategy, inner authority, and profile.
  • You’ve spent some time on your experiment of living your human design.
  • You’re ready to throw out the rulebook and create your definition of success. 
  • You’re tired of comparing yourself to others and trying to emulate them.
  • Professional settings trigger you and cause you to hide your true self. 
  • You’re excited to try different business strategies and find what works with your unique human design. 

Hi! I’m Julian.

I’m an ICF-certified life and business coach, human design expert, and spiritual guide. I help spiritual entrepreneurs and visionaries answer their spiritual calling, create work that matters, and build communities that make change.

Discovering human design revolutionized me and completely changed how I run and market my business. I’m a manifesting generator with emotional authority, and that new understanding of myself allowed me to stop beating myself up over supposed flaws and instead view them as the powerful, unique abilities they truly are. 

I’m passionate about human design because I believe it unlocks new possibilities. I’ve seen my clients get amazing results simply because they developed a clear understanding of who they truly are. My clients are engaged in the experiment of living their design and continue to discover new information about their true nature.

My human design readings don’t just drown you in information or bombard you with silly rules like some social media human design influencers like to do. My readings allow you to ask specific questions and share what does or doesn’t resonate with you about your design. I’ll also offer simple tools to help you continue exploring what it all means for you. 

I look forward to working with you to find the most natural way to run your business according to your human design.

What you can expect from a Human Design Business reading with me

Every spiritual entrepreneur and every human design business reading is unique. When you purchase your human design business reading, you’ll supply your birth data so I can generate your chart. You’ll also be asked to tell me about what challenges you’re currently facing in your business. Whether it’s getting clear on your ideal client, marketing strategies, being seen, or something else, I’ll focus our session on your specific challenge.

Using the challenges you share, your reading will include the key pieces of your human design that may impact you. Here are some of the aspects of your chart that may come up:

  • The human design types. Even though you may already be familiar with your type, it is common for entrepreneurs to struggle to apply their energy type and human design strategy to their unique business challenges.
  • Your inner authority. Inner authority is one of the aspects of human design that I find often the most difficult to experiment with. 
  • Your open centers. Depending on your challenge, your open centers may create conditioning areas that pull you away from your true self.
  • Gates and channels. Based on your challenges, your reading may include a discussion of specific gates and channels in your human design. These gates and channels can sometimes point you in the right direction for creating new strategies for your business. 
  • Variable. Human design variables may come up in your reading as well.

While your reading may include only some of the above, it will be a deeper dive into aspects of your design and how it can provide the most powerful tools for business success. Depending on your situation, we may also discuss:

  • Your ideal client.
  • Your money mindset
  • Your personal relationships, family members, and your support network.
  • Your life purpose.
  • Your business goals

I may offer you free resources around these areas as needed. You may also want to consider business coaching for spiritual entrepreneurs if you need greater support. 

What about business partners?

Have a business partner and want to do a human design reading with them to uncover new strategies for building your business and successfully working together? That’s great! I encourage business partners to understand each other’s design and how they can best work as a team. For business partners, you can provide both birth data sets when purchasing. Your reading will include a connection chart that will explore how your designs complement and conflict with one another in addition to the above aspects.