human design reading for finding your life purpose

Your soul purpose is sometimes revealed by the recurring themes in your life and how you apply your natural talents. A human design life purpose reading builds on the basics of your human design chart to create a deeper understanding of your unique soul blueprint and how it relates to your life’s purpose.

Can a human design life purpose reading tell me my spiritual calling?

A human design reading isn’t going to spell it out for you, but it can reveal many of the clues you might have missed. I’ve found that my clients often already know or have a good idea of their spiritual calling. A human design reading helps confirm and validate it.

More importantly, a human design life purpose reading can help you understand your unique gifts and the best way to answer your spiritual calling. Your human design type and other aspects of your unique energy provide you with insights about how you were uniquely designed to fulfill your soul mission. The tools you’ll need to fulfill your calling are often the unique gifts found in your human design chart. 

A human design life purpose reading helps you understand the unique qualities of your human design and how they impact your life purpose


A human design life purpose reading is the next step on your human design journey if:

  • You already have a foundational understanding of human design, including your energy type, strategy, inner authority, and profile. ( For a more foundational reading of your human design chart, check my Human Design Foundation Reading )
  • You’ve spent some time on your experiment with living your human design.
  • You’ve noticed common themes in your life and want to understand how they impact your life purpose
  • You’ve struggled to understand your soul’s purpose clearly and could use additional clues.
  • You know your spiritual calling but doubt having the tools and abilities to fulfill it. 
  • You want to understand your natural gifts and have practical tools for showing up as the highest expression of your true self. 

Hi! I’m Julian.

I’m an ICF-certified life and business coach, human design expert, and spiritual guide. I help spiritual entrepreneurs and visionaries answer their spiritual calling, create work that matters, and build communities that make change.

On my journey towards answering my spiritual calling, I found that specific themes kept resurfacing. These were often expressed as values I held deeply or talents and abilities that I frequently underestimated. When I started my human design journey and began to understand my unique chart, I was amazed to discover that some of these things, like my strong interest in community building, could be found in my human design. As a 5/1 emotional manifesting generator, I’ve found that my tendency to have many interests and passions has created the foundation for answering my spiritual calling. 

While your human design won’t show you precisely what to do to fulfill your life purpose, it will reveal these themes, values, and natural talents that impact how you will fulfill your purpose and which parts of your soul’s mission will be most meaningful to you. 

I’m passionate about sharing human design because I’ve seen firsthand the incredible impact it has had in all areas of life for my clients. As a human design reader, my goal is always to help you find practical ways to apply the unique gifts of your design, not just to bombard you with information. I look forward to sharing it with you.

What you can expect from a Human Design Business reading with me

When you purchase and schedule your reading, you will be asked for your birth place, birth date, and birth time. Like Western astrology, this information will generate your human design chart. You’ll also be asked where you are in your journey to answer your spiritual calling. What areas are creating resistance for you? What parts are clear, and what parts lack clarity? Your human design life purpose reading will then be based on where you are and what you need to take the next step in your journey of self-discovery and fulfilling your soul’s mission. As a result, each reading will be unique but will explore your human design on a deeper level than a foundational human design reading. 

Some of the elements of your human design that will be covered in this reading might include:

  • The human design types. Even though you may already be familiar with your type, it greatly influences how you approach your life purpose. 
  • Your inner authority. Inner authority is one of the aspects of human design that I find often the most difficult to experiment with. It also helps you align your actions with Divine timing. 
  • Your open centers. Depending on your challenge, your open centers may create conditioning areas that pull you away from your authentic self.
  • Gates and channels. Based on your challenges, your reading may include a discussion of specific gates and channels in your human design. These gates and channels are often reflected in values and recurring themes that hint at your life purpose and powerful abilities to fulfill your soul’s mission. 
  • Variable. Human design variables may come up in your reading as well.
  • Your Incarnation Cross. The incarnation cross hints at your soul’s purpose in this life. 

While your reading may include only some of the above, it will be a deeper dive into aspects of your design and how it can provide the most powerful tools for answering your spiritual calling. Depending on your situation, we may also discuss:

  • Your beliefs around your potential and ability to answer your calling.
  • The things in the world that feel heaviest or most unjust that you wish to change.
  • Your values and what it would mean to do work that matters to you.
  • The delicate balance between pursuing a life of spiritual purpose and sustaining yourself in our current physical world. 

I may offer you free resources around these areas as needed. Consider spiritual life coaching if you need greater support.